Here in Bangalore, people who use car like me has to suffer more because of Ganapathy, Because Ganapathy Birthday celebration is converted into BirthMonth. It’s the same as the Ambedkar’s BirthYear! Whenever a politician wants to give free supplies like dresses/food to backward community, they will arrange a function celebrating Ambedkar irrespective of the month Ambedkar is born. The same is the fate for Ganapathy, local rowdies for having their party are giving lift to Ganapathy in their tempo and roams the city causing traffic jam and noise pollution. I wonder instead of destroying Ganapathy by submerging in water, why don’t people destroy him by planting small bombs on his belly? Coz in blore only rowdies celebrate his function who might be using at least petrol bombs…
Seems Ganapathy is the figure just for comedy. I mean he is the comedian among the crew of other Gods. Here is one comedy role of Ganapathy… I feel pity on him; People please give him at least the heroic role of comedy movie (like vadivelu)..