Sunday, November 04, 2007

Crysis: Great expectation, Well served

So back to Bangalore after my (pre) Diwali vacation. Since am not a kid to use crackers to disturb others, instead of using RDX, I decided to have my diwali vacation earlier and so bigger. But the only thing that made me worry is the Crysis Demo, which got postponed a month before to the exact date when my vacation begins. So the first thing I did after my vacation is the download of the 1.8GB download of the Crysis demo. Tried some of the mirrors and found this one having very huge bandwidth, I downloaded it from my office @ 320KBps! NVIDIA link

Completed the demo two times. The great expectation on this game is well served. There is no game to beat its graphics and gameplay. I am having the following rig: Intel core2 E6600 @ 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 7600GT. The game is fine to play in 1280 X 1024 with medium settings and no antialliasing. I don't like to compromise resolution to quality, so only tried in 1280 X 1024 resolution. With my 7600 GT card I am even able to see things in high settings while very high setting is disabled. But it is very hard to play the game in such setting.

As everyone says the graphics is simply superb, you see an high quality movie being rendered in front of you depending on your movements! Apart from graphics the gameplay is outstanding. You can complete a mission in your own creative way. I completed the demo first using the vehicle and in land, then the same demo using boat the next time. It has all farcry features plus plenty of creative things to enjoy. One can shoot the trees and make it fall down to see the enemies hiding behind the trees. You can use object to throw on them and you can shoot at the tires of vehicles to make it immovable. Likewise when you are in a vehicle you can be in different positions and there is display showing the damaged parts of the vehicle, simply superb! Apart from these, you can switch to different modes and attach special features to your weapons. There won't be any game to make you creative and enjoyable like this.

So as the world does, I am dying for the game's release on Nov 15th.

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