All About Games
So for all of the gamers , Q4 of 2007 made them busy. Yes busy in Crysis, Gears of War, War in Confilct, Command and Conquer, COD4 the list goes on.. Fine this should be rather an old post about the hot topic of Gamers in earth – The Crysis. I completed it a month ago I guess and the thing is luckily or efficiently I completed it without referring any walkthrough guide. Why is it so? Crysis which has the promising graphics and game play has quite enough bugs too. But the game play is awesome but very short, you will have different environments which makes you feel you really miss the previous one. So if you are a gamer you must try this one. Gears of War, from Microsoft is a good one with its different 3rd person shooter style, which only console users might have used, I guess. This one is different and good except the same environment and same stuffs again and again, I played only few levels. I am not sure how it will be in the next levels. COD4 is the also most spoken game, seems there is a good competition between Crysis and COD4, so downloading it now. Bioshock with amazing graphics and sound, but gameplay is not the way I expected, so I left it without continuing. The same goes to STALKER.Recently I got this expansion pack from fleming, Age Of Empires - Asian Dynasties. With a great interest in seeing the things regarding india, I got it from him. Basically three cultures are covered in that – India, China and Japan. As all AOE has, this too has campaigns which tell the story with the game play associated with it. I was very interested to see the game play of India, but I have to finish China, Japan campaigns to unlock this one. It took some few hours to complete these at first started without cheat and finished with cheat codes. Now started the india campaign, the first plot starts with barakpur and then Punjab, seems the campaign is about Nana Sahib and at first he about to resist the Indian revolts L So in the starting campaigns Indian are enemies and after some levels Nana Sahib joins indian to protest agains English and I see no great in the game play too, as Indians start doing some revolt and I have to go and crush them. So started the skirmish mode, where me being Indian. You have maps of Himalayas, Central Deccan and Cyleone. The funny and interesting part is: The voice of Indians, all in HINDI; "Mein Aaa Rahaa hoon", "Makan banana vale", "Youth karne ke lea" ,"Sharir mar saktha hai, parathama amar hai". You get mostly elephant warriors and sultans and sipoys. Its really interesting to try this out, you have to install AOE3 first as this one is an addon.
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