Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All About Games

So for all of the gamers , Q4 of 2007 made them busy. Yes busy in Crysis, Gears of War, War in Confilct, Command and Conquer, COD4 the list goes on.. Fine this should be rather an old post about the hot topic of Gamers in earth – The Crysis. I completed it a month ago I guess and the thing is luckily or efficiently I completed it without referring any walkthrough guide.

Why is it so? Crysis which has the promising graphics and game play has quite enough bugs too. But the game play is awesome but very short, you will have different environments which makes you feel you really miss the previous one. So if you are a gamer you must try this one. Gears of War, from Microsoft is a good one with its different 3rd person shooter style, which only console users might have used, I guess. This one is different and good except the same environment and same stuffs again and again, I played only few levels. I am not sure how it will be in the next levels. COD4 is the also most spoken game, seems there is a good competition between Crysis and COD4, so downloading it now. Bioshock with amazing graphics and sound, but gameplay is not the way I expected, so I left it without continuing. The same goes to STALKER.

Recently I got this expansion pack from fleming, Age Of Empires - Asian Dynasties. With a great interest in seeing the things regarding india, I got it from him. Basically three cultures are covered in that – India, China and Japan. As all AOE has, this too has campaigns which tell the story with the game play associated with it. I was very interested to see the game play of India, but I have to finish China, Japan campaigns to unlock this one. It took some few hours to complete these at first started without cheat and finished with cheat codes. Now started the india campaign, the first plot starts with barakpur and then Punjab, seems the campaign is about Nana Sahib and at first he about to resist the Indian revolts L So in the starting campaigns Indian are enemies and after some levels Nana Sahib joins indian to protest agains English and I see no great in the game play too, as Indians start doing some revolt and I have to go and crush them. So started the skirmish mode, where me being Indian. You have maps of Himalayas, Central Deccan and Cyleone. The funny and interesting part is: The voice of Indians, all in HINDI; "Mein Aaa Rahaa hoon", "Makan banana vale", "Youth karne ke lea" ,"Sharir mar saktha hai, parathama amar hai". You get mostly elephant warriors and sultans and sipoys. Its really interesting to try this out, you have to install AOE3 first as this one is an addon.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Corporate Crude Jokes

Well, am tired of telling reasons for long gap in post that am tired of writing posts. So..
In most of the team there will be at least one person who sparks these corporate jokes spontaneously, which other team members inevitably smiles (like me) or laughs (like him). Generally once he opens his mouth all will keep his mouth in smiling position.. that’s corporate culture yaar… Most of these jokes will always consists of these keywords : FTP (measurement of work), Day light savings (time setting changes), issues or Tickets, Onsite, night out, reimbursement or claiming etc..

Recently we had our lift having announcement system for blinds. So started corporate crude jokes.. Whenever I use the lift, I will hear some jokes on this, and the whole lift rocks, laughing! Some of those:

Once it announced, “You are in 1st floor and the time is 6:39”. One man as usual started cracking, “what? 39!!” LOL!! LOL!! Everyone in the lift, laughing… Hey its digital thing yaar, what different it is doing? Whats there in this, to laugh?

The announcement was something like the life is stopping now. no body understands the announcement, but a joke sparkled from one- “Hey.. the lift is falling down” everybody laughed, fine, okay.. now, he is adding more flavor – “ Common man run! Run!, the lift is falling down”. Very few including me in the lift, looked at him murmuring - shut the …

As usual it announced the same pattern and one guy started his ultimate creativity, “can’t this announce daylight savings?” wow!! wat a joke...k i understand you know these stuffs, but why the day light savings comes here? But still two other persons laughed for tat. So it’s a joke.

Well, whether the announcement system in lift is useful for blinds or not, its very useful for these joking jokers. Bye! for next post...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Crysis: Great expectation, Well served

So back to Bangalore after my (pre) Diwali vacation. Since am not a kid to use crackers to disturb others, instead of using RDX, I decided to have my diwali vacation earlier and so bigger. But the only thing that made me worry is the Crysis Demo, which got postponed a month before to the exact date when my vacation begins. So the first thing I did after my vacation is the download of the 1.8GB download of the Crysis demo. Tried some of the mirrors and found this one having very huge bandwidth, I downloaded it from my office @ 320KBps! NVIDIA link

Completed the demo two times. The great expectation on this game is well served. There is no game to beat its graphics and gameplay. I am having the following rig: Intel core2 E6600 @ 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 7600GT. The game is fine to play in 1280 X 1024 with medium settings and no antialliasing. I don't like to compromise resolution to quality, so only tried in 1280 X 1024 resolution. With my 7600 GT card I am even able to see things in high settings while very high setting is disabled. But it is very hard to play the game in such setting.

As everyone says the graphics is simply superb, you see an high quality movie being rendered in front of you depending on your movements! Apart from graphics the gameplay is outstanding. You can complete a mission in your own creative way. I completed the demo first using the vehicle and in land, then the same demo using boat the next time. It has all farcry features plus plenty of creative things to enjoy. One can shoot the trees and make it fall down to see the enemies hiding behind the trees. You can use object to throw on them and you can shoot at the tires of vehicles to make it immovable. Likewise when you are in a vehicle you can be in different positions and there is display showing the damaged parts of the vehicle, simply superb! Apart from these, you can switch to different modes and attach special features to your weapons. There won't be any game to make you creative and enjoyable like this.

So as the world does, I am dying for the game's release on Nov 15th.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

ATM – ARR makes it for both CLASS and MASS

Thanks to ARR, there won't be any perfect kutthu song with amateurish lyrics in a Vijay's film soundtrack. I feel ARR is now capable of giving music depending on the hype the films has about, for example, sillunu oru kadhal needs more soothing songs than a grand gala songs as required for sivaji. And here comes a tough situation in music for Vijay, for whom the film only rolls behind him from starting to ending, with some loud jarring songs. ARR handles this very cleverly and has given songs satisfying Vijay fans and ARR fans. The album has six songs, most of them in contra to ARR music, appeals one, in the first listen itself.

Ellaappugazhum – This is the song which most of the music lover hear first in the album, reason: the singer– starting from Humma Humma to Adiradi, you can't tell whether ARR voice or music makes them best. But I think for this one I can tell ARR voice from ARR fan prespective or Lyrics from Vijay fan perspective. The music is not that great as you see in any songs sung by ARR. But repetitive hearing will make this one to be good, I don't like a small bit in the last, not sure if this is because the lyrics is very simple. But overall this song will be the anthem for Vijay fans and ARR deserves the credit.

Order : 3/6. My iTunes Rating: 4 Stars.

Ponmagal Vandaal – Just amazing as I was with "thottal poomalarum" in New. This one proves ARR's versatile music talent. Simply superb the way the old song handled, This song will prove, remix is not just having a eurodance music playing in the background and singing the same old song with some abstract lend raps inserted in between.

Order : 1/6. My iTunes Rating: 5 Stars.

Nee Marilyn Monroe – The pick of the album, the whole song is very catchy, especially the first 2 minutes of the 6 minutes song is simply superb. The lyrics makes it more stylish. Thank God Vaali didn't pen for this song. Na.Muthukumar has done his job well. This song is more western kinda with good tune as Smaiye songs in Kandukonden kandukonden. Only Rahman can create these scores.

Order : 2/6. My iTunes Rating: 5 Stars.

Valayapatti – This one is okay at first listening and its appealing increases as you hear more. This one is very catchy and Naresh has to thank ARR for this. Though seems to be a classic mix, it is appealing with some good interludes and when Naresh comes with a bang.

Order : 5/6. My iTunes Rating: 4 Stars.

Kelamal Kaiyile - This is also a slow poison, The center I mean the anupallavi is simply superb. My iTunes got 4 rating even at the first listen itself. It different to have a beat for a melody but its techno mix is seems good. Though it starts with ordinary tunes and pace, the center portion reserves best. The voices are also suitable for this. The only melody in the album is good and rahmanic.

Order : 4/6. My iTunes Rating: 4 Stars.

Maduraikku Pogathadee – Old folkish song, which resembles to illayaraja tune but it is mixed with various tunes and the flow goes on to make it good. The first start tune is good to hear and will be appealing to all mass. ARR comes with this for B and C grade I guess.

Order : 6/6. My iTunes Rating: 3 Stars.

All these ratings and reviews are after hearing the album, just 15 to 20 times. As a typical ARR album this will slowing grow in you. As my topic tells, ARR managed to give numbers balancing CLASS and MASS. I won't explicitly tell CLASS as ARR fans and MASS as Vijay fans. So ARR rocks with ATM, looking forward for his next project.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

2007 Nobel Prizes

Thanks to Ravi, who gave me hint about Physics Nobel price, I am writing this post. I don't closely watch current news and trends and because of that I am not aware of Nobel price distributions for 2007 a week before. And I decided to get some info about the Nobel prices this time. As usual Wikipedia gives some info about its Swedish origin and controversies and some interesting things like Gandhi was nominated for 5 times and when he was about to give Nobel price, he was assassinated.Now back to 2007 Nobel award, I am just putting the extracts from the Nobel prize site, the parts which I understand (at least partially)..

Medicine - Making Model Mice

"for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells"

The elevation of the humble mouse to become many scientists' experimental animal of choice has been one of the scientific phenomena of the last two decades. Today, genetically-altered mice are an essential component of the experimental toolkit, with thousands of varieties contributing to research in laboratories around the world. Their existence stems from discoveries made in the 1980's by this year's Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies were both seeking ways of specifically altering the mammalian genome, Capecchi with a view to inserting new genes into cells and Smithies in the hope of correcting genetic defects that lead to disease. Working against a background of skepticism, they independently discovered that they could use a natural mechanism, revealed decades before by Joshua Lederberg in bacteria, to introduce short sequences of manipulated DNA into the chromosomes of mammalian cells growing in the laboratory. The technique allowed them to target individual genes with exquisite precision, producing the genetic alterations they sought, but only at the cellular level. Happily, the embryonic stem cell cultures that Martin Evans was then developing provided the necessary vehicle for taking such gene manipulations from the Petri dish into the whole animal. Combining the two, by modifying genes in embryonic stem cells and then injecting those cells into fertilized mouse eggs, made it possible to rear mice with discrete genetic modifications that would be inherited between generations. The so-called 'Knock-out mouse' was born.

Knock-out (and knock-in) mice, the workhorses of many a laboratory today, allow researchers to study the effects of removing (or inserting) a single gene. Genetically-modified mice have therefore frequently helped to reveal a gene's function and, since mice and humans share a remarkable genetic similarity, they also serve as models of many human diseases.

Physics – Gaint Magnetoresistance

"for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance"

Lying at the heart of the computer which you are using to read this article is a memory retrieval system based on the discoveries for which the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg. They discovered, quite independently, a new way of using magnetism to control the flow of electrical current through sandwiches of metals built at the nanotechnology scale.

150 years ago, William Thomson observed very small changes in the electrical properties of metals when they were placed in a magnetic field, a phenomenon he named 'Magnetoresistance'. In due course, his finding found application, magnetically-induced current fluctuations becoming the underlying principle for reading computer memories. Then, in 1988, Fert and Grünberg, working with specially-constructed stacks made from alternating layers of very thinly-spread iron and chromium, unexpectedly discovered that they could use magnetic fields to evoke much greater increases in electrical resistance than Thomson, or anyone since, had observed. Recognizing the novelty of the effect, Fert named it 'Giant magnetoresistance', and it was only a few years before the improvements, and the miniaturization, it offered led to its adoption in favour of classical magnetoresistance.

Giant magnetoresistance is essentially a quantum mechanical effect depending on the property of electron spin. Using an applied magnetic field to cause the electrons belonging to atoms in alternate metal layers to adopt opposite spins results in a reduction in the passage of electric current, in a similar fashion to the way that crossed polarizing filters block the passage of sunlight. When, however, magnetic fields are used to align the electron spins in different layers, current passes more easily, just as light passes through polarizers aligned in the same direction.

The application of this discovery has been rapid and wide-ranging, dramatically improving information storage capacity in many devices, from computers to car brakes. And while quietly pervading the technology behind our daily lives, the principles of giant magnetoresistance are now being used to tackle problems in wider fields, for instance in the selective separation of genetic material.

Chemistry - Exploring Chemistry at the Frontier

"for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces"

Like a successful dinner party, productive chemical reactions depend upon getting the right components to mingle in the right surroundings, and often the best environment for chemistry turns out to be a solid surface. From the cleaning of exhaust fumes in factory chimneys to the reduction of ozone on the outside of ice crystals in the clouds, surface chemistry surrounds us constantly. Developing ways to better understand the detailed dynamics of chemistry at these interfaces has been Gerhard Ertl's life work.

Studying surface chemistry is a painstaking process, requiring intricate preparation of samples and great precision in visualizing the reactive species that are undergoing chemical reactions in regions just a few atoms deep. The challenges Ertl set himself were bold, for instance to understand the Haber-Bosch process, a reaction of huge industrial importance that has been used since the first world war without anyone knowing precisely how it worked. This process generates ammonia, primarily needed for agriculture, from its constituent elements, hydrogen and nitrogen, on the surface of an iron catalyst. Using an astonishing variety of techniques, Ertl was able to piece together the step-by-step interplay between the hydrogen and nitrogen atoms bound to the face of the iron particles during the reaction, solving a sixty-year old mystery.

Another of Ertl's longstanding areas of interest, and one where his investigations have also revealed previously unknown phenomena, is the conversion of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide on platinum catalysts, one of the reactions performed by catalytic converters in cars. A hallmark of Ertl's approach has been his willingness to return to the same research questions whenever technology became available that opened new avenues for investigating an old problem in a fresh way. This intense focus on particular problems, combined with his patient approach to solving them, hold part of the key to his success in exposing events at chemistry's hidden face.

Peace - The Risk of Climate Change

"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"

For the third successive year, but for only the sixth time since it was initiated in 1901, the Nobel Peace Prize has been divided equally between an institution and an individual. In awarding the Prize to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the global body responsible for scientific assessment of climate change, and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore, the phenomenon's most renowned campaigner, the Norwegian Nobel Committee are highlighting the link they see between the risk of accelerating climate change and the risk of violent conflict and wars.

The IPCC was established by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide policymakers with neutral summaries of the latest information related to human-induced (or anthropogenic) climate change. Run from offices in Geneva, but open to any of the nearly 200 member states belonging to the UN or WMO, the IPCC functions through its working groups. There are currently 3 working groups, focusing on the science, impact and mitigation of climate change, and one task force charged with developing greenhouse gas inventories. The findings of the IPCC are presented as 'Assessment reports', synthesizing the views of the working groups, which are produced approximately every 5 years. The fourth and next report is due at the end of 2007.

The working groups have already published their individual contributions to the forthcoming fourth report. A quote from the Science Working Group's report states "Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations". A quote from Working Group II, which looks at impact, states "Much more evidence has accumulated over the past five years to indicate that changes in many physical and biological systems are linked to anthropogenic warming". They go on to say that "Unmitigated climate change would, in the long term, be likely to exceed the capacity of natural, managed and human systems to adapt".

Al Gore is the leading public advocate of the need to take immediate action to reduce anthropogenic climate change. His campaigning takes many forms, including the Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth and a book of the same name. He is also the founder and Chairman of the Alliance for Climate Change, an organization dedicated to persuading people of the urgency of responding to what it calls the 'climate crisis'.

I haven't included info about Literature and Economics, which I am not interested and really don't understand. The above search leads to discovery of Ig Nobel Prize and a fantastic documentary – 'An Inconvenient Truth' which I will put in upcoming posts…

Friday, October 19, 2007

Post from Office 2007

I was about to write post, so opened Office 2007 and when I clicked new, I wondered seeing it having 'New Blog Post'. So trying that now. It asks for username and password by providing the famous blog sites, obviously Blogger is one of them. So picked it and gave username and password and it asks for Image Server. As I am not about to upload photo in this post I skipped and got this nice page in office 2007. Lets see how this works.

This has things like Publish (obviously) and 'publish as draft' too. The 'Manage Accounts' option is for switching between your blogs. Cool! If it works… lets see…Will continue using Office 2007 if this works…

Edit: It works absolutely fine, but i believe i can't put labels for post from World.. But this feature of MS Word 2007 is really Cool...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vista -> XP Downgrade

Hi, Its been a long time to be here, believe me i was some what busy in CODING, really office work... Fine so many things happened in between this gap.. One of them i spent my night formating my PC and installing XP and Vista successively during my VO (Virtual Office). This is because i felt my PC to be bit slow and wanted to use Vista extensively (not only becoz of its features and awesome graphics but also i got a solid good crack). But after an extensive use of Vista for 4 or 5 days, i decided to be apart from that. Here are some of the problems which my PC and i faced in Vista (though some of them i did already which i installed the day the torrents had fresh vista).

  • I am having Pinnacle TV Tuner card, which is not at all detected by Vista, even with the vista driver i am able to make it unrecognizable and even listed channels in Vista Media Center. But when i tried to see the video it will show you the perfect 'Checking for Solutions' screen giving some error. Pinnacle software is far more worse. But i wonder about this as i was able to make the card work when i installed Vista the previous time.
  • I am having Asus P5B motherboard with inbuilt sound card of 7.1 channel, but again this one has problem in Vista. Though this card is recognizable, the 4.1 speaker of mine is only able to play sound in two speakers. I tried all the combinations settings like 4.1, 5.1 and 7.1 channel with and without sub woofer. Only few produce sound but only in my front two speakers.
  • If you are iTunes user, then i feel Vista will give you pain sometimes. I had this problem thrice, When you open iTunes, sometimes it will keep on loading the library and results in hanging and after the restart you will see the iTunes having a blank library. All your rating and playlists are gone!!
  • And at last a big tragedy happened, i did almost all the updates for Vista including Ultimate Extras... After that to my surprise, my Benq DVD writer driver is not at all accessable, its driver is gone into flames!! I am not all able to read anything from my dvd.. That really tested my patience for working in Vista.
Due to these problems i decided to switch back to XP. Luckily i had installed XP along with Vista only for playing games as anyone knows playing heavy games in Vista is foolish having XP with you. So installed everything back in XP from Azureus to iTunes and now using XP and keeping Vista idle in my second drive. So at least for anyone having Pinncle Tv Tuner, Benq dvd writer, Asus Mobo with 4.1 speaker XP is the tension free zone.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Return of Simbu

I see TV very rarely, sometimes used to switch between VH1 for music and Podigai for fun, but surprisingly yesterday a bigger fun was awaiting for me in Vijay TV. My friend assured me fun in this program called 'Some Jodi program' - regional tv serial dumbs danc competition. As everyone does we scrolled some other channels when these dumbs start dancing, but we didn't miss any part where the main comedian Simbu opens his mouth. This is the first time i am seeing his comments, that my friend assured will be of fun. To my surprise things turned out more interesting and emotional according to Vijay TV... Very childish and exaggerated drama took place..i have no word to speak about it. Check out the video below.

One thing is for sure, Like Father like son, the same emotional psycho. But you will enjoy this, and don't get tears in eyes,laughing...

And just tried to make use of this cartoon tool - http://www.toondoo.com/

Will come with something worthy one later...

Monday, October 01, 2007

Coorg Trekking

Hi, This is about another trip which me, fleming, lal and friends went for our first trekking trip to Coorg. I am posting the chosen pics and the map we travelled.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mumbai Adventure

Hi, its been long time when we (me and Fleming) went an adventurous trip to Mumbai – Aurangabad. Got time and net only now to post pics of that. I didn’t find interesting to write about the whole travel coz its been very long before (I forgot also some of them). So here I am posting the chosen pics and the map we travelled.

View Larger Map

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Office 2007 to Office 97-2003 file conversion

It happened to my friend long back when cracked Microsoft Office 2007 had been successfully installed. Now it happened also to me. Nothing serious, I liked the style Office 2007 gives and enjoyed creating a excel document which I needed to show in my office in xlsx format mistakenly and ended in trouble when I had to open it in my office with older Office version. After little bit googling this one I found out. Just a small exe provided by Microsoft which will convert Office 2007 word, excel and powerpoint files to Office 2003 format.
Here is the link for that.

My September Games

I was playing Oblivion for trying out a proper RPG (Role Playing Game) and got the Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars. Have only played AOE series and then tried lil bit of Empire Earth under Strategy game genre. This C &C 3 is simply superb, which has many types of campaigns and good & sufficient graphics for strategy game. To fully enjoy this game try to get the 2 dvds pack as this high budget game has many clippings as good as a Hollywood clippings featuring Tricia and Jennifer Morrison and our famours Lost guy - Josh Holloway.
So this one is a must try game (rated 9.0 in gamespot) until you get World In Conflict. Also Command & Conquer - Tiberium is gonna come in FPS genre. Now started trying Bioshock from Unreal engine, so unreal, Quake and Doom series lover will like it. Good graphics but indoor brutal shooting, thats it.
One sad news - the demo of The Most awaited game in the universe - The Crysis is postponed one more month :(

Enjoy Gaming!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ganapathy Birth Month (Day)

Here in Bangalore, people who use car like me has to suffer more because of Ganapathy, Because Ganapathy Birthday celebration is converted into BirthMonth. It’s the same as the Ambedkar’s BirthYear! Whenever a politician wants to give free supplies like dresses/food to backward community, they will arrange a function celebrating Ambedkar irrespective of the month Ambedkar is born. The same is the fate for Ganapathy, local rowdies for having their party are giving lift to Ganapathy in their tempo and roams the city causing traffic jam and noise pollution. I wonder instead of destroying Ganapathy by submerging in water, why don’t people destroy him by planting small bombs on his belly? Coz in blore only rowdies celebrate his function who might be using at least petrol bombs…

Seems Ganapathy is the figure just for comedy. I mean he is the comedian among the crew of other Gods. Here is one comedy role of Ganapathy… I feel pity on him; People please give him at least the heroic role of comedy movie (like vadivelu)..

Battle Ends in Peace

Very few people survived in that battle. I am one of them. Yep, Got back my broadband connection at last! Got the number of the local field engineer and started calling him whenever you think of broadband (during brushing, eating, gaming…) The only advantage is that he is one of them who has at least some sense which most of the govt. employees don’t have. Because whenever I call he had a sign of hesitation for telling me that he couldn’t give me the connection. So, at last got the connection and its speed is far better (for now). So expect more post hereafter…

Monday, September 17, 2007

New Maruti 800 / Suzuki Cervo

Suzuki is planning to replace the long lasting master kid "Maruti 800" with the Japanese Suzuki Cervo which is the latest small car recently launched in Japan, the Cervo is a compact five door mini, that looks to put the other kids on the block into the shade. This sleek cute car offers 54bhp 660cc engine that boasts to offer peppy performance with great fuel economy.

Suzuki believes that they can price the car in the same amount given by Tata, they can do this by deleting some of the stuff available in the car, or by using a cheaper material to make it cost less, but, we doubt that Suzuki will use such cheap material so long as price is considered. There is going to be a lot of competition between these two in the below 800cc category. The name Cervo has been a history for jap Suzuki cars mainly used in the Japanese version of alto.


From the outside the Cervo looks like the Honda Fit, but this one looks like its smaller bro. As there is no sight of Tatas 1 lakh car, comparism between these two are not possible , rumors have been spread that Tatas car would be based on the Indiva Concept. Coming back to the Cervo the lines and cuts of the car are neat and classy and the clean blacky covering at the end of the windows are cleverly made so as not to see too many holes.

The headlights seem too agressive and getting ready to vrroomm and seems confident, well we can hope it really does. The Small mini SUV looks at the back, with an arching roofline, wedgy stance, slanted headlights and stubby bonnet makes out a new shape of itself and bound to be a great car if its priced is good and if its at 1L, it will be crazy selling.


The interiors of this car somewhat looks like that of the much popular Swift. The rectangular air vents in the center and the circle open closed ones on the sides dont look even and looks a bit uneven. the colors of the controls do look lights up the dash. The boot is very small, but for daily shopping and office stuffs its just OK.

Seats at the back can seat only two and the third one can cramp up the place. A lot of storage areas are available to keep stuff in the front and find little at the back. Power Windows are airbags are available in the international markets but we doubt that it will come to India at that cost atleast airbags as an option would be better to make the car safe. In the outside markets this car is equipped with front semi-bucket seats, 4-speed auto gearbox a K6A DOHC engine with VVT, bluetooth capability.


Cars like these will be a success in India if they are priced well with high profile, the sporty and agressive exteriors and the classy and swifty interiors are bound to make the young gens and the ladies to force their cash out, the Suzuki's bet of combining performance with FE, this car will be a hit in Indian roads.

got this info from my new big buddy - Gopi, Got My Car Stereo becoz of him.. Will be back with a post about it soon...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Crazy Little Character..

Saw this one from my friend's link...
Just copy the character anywhere, and start typing.... its crazy...
Read this to get the idea...


‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮Get Crazy!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Desperate to see the sun in the east...

This post comes out of my own experiences and my current research which is to complete a big task: to make - my eyes open; my brain back to normal, at least around 7:00 am. These are the tips which could make this succeed sometimes.

  • Avoid a timepiece alarm which stops just by a push on the top button.
  • Use your mobile phone alarm; also don’t use the Alarm option as it is just for setting only one time. Use remainders so that you can set for 6:45, 6:50 and 6:55 like that as many as you want, depending on the ferocity of your sleep.
  • Usage of the most annoying tune like (manmade rasa or ambulance alarm) for alarm is a wise option.
  • Place the mobile in a non reachable position from you bed, I mean a little far from your bed.
  • Place some chocolates or some eatables near your alarm which could try its best out of your brain.
  • Put the most interesting download of yours which could make you to go and see its status; switch on the TV immediately before turning off the ringing alarm.
  • Don’t use curtains to avoid sunlight; your bed could be positioned for direct sunlight.
  • Setting the fan at full speed and using the insufficient blanket is also good if your morning whether is cool.

These are some of the tips that am trying to survive at 7:00 am, if you have something tell me the secret and please don’t tell anything about late hours coz it’s the time software engineer’s brain is at peak… Bye for now…

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Tamil Nadu Censor board

This is just to waste time - mine and yours too, just thought of what should be done by the Censor board to make Tamil film industry better.

  • Ban the following directors : perarasu, ramanarayanan, TR, Vikraman
  • Ban the following actors playing chubby youths: Cap10 Vijayakanth, Rajini, TR..
  • Ban the following music directors: Deva, Srikanth deva, Iman, SA Rajkumar..
  • Ban actor Vijay, if he doesn’t play 2 consecutive films not as a local B grade fellow (teekadai master, poriki, cycle kadaikaran, auto workshop koolie).
  • Ban actor Ajith if he doesn’t use his brain in choosing forthcoming 2 consecutive films.
  • Ban cap10 if he does anything in film industry.
  • Ban the whole TR family from entering to safe guard Tamil film industry and the job of cinema professionals.
  • Ban so called comedians like Satyan, madhanbabu and supporting actors like overacting sreeman and great actors like ramesh..
  • Ban actor/Director Seran if he plays any sort of modern character.
  • Ban the actors if played in movies with age, less than 10 yrs of their real age.
  • Do censorship only if the film comes with tag - masala home entertainment.
  • Only 5 films per year can be allowed having new Heroes and heroines.
  • Ban films having very low budget like ramanarayanan’s and TR’s, if low should be considered as short films or documentaries.
  • Ban films having very high budget unnecessarily like sivaji, lovebirds, ratchagan, spending more just for songs and waste fight sequences.
  • Ban the directors if their 3 consecutive films appear same – e.g.: Shankar, same mass strategy; bala, same psychic heroes..
  • Ban the producers trying to impact on direction screenplay of the film.
  • Allow all kind of gore scenes and offensive things usage if really required for the film.
  • Instead of having subtitles like “Smoking / Acquiring liquor is injurious to health” in smoking scenes, “This scene has no logic, this is just for the sake of fun” can be put in very worst no-logic scenes, like collapsing one tower to collapse the n/w connection of whole mobile n/w in a city; famous current shock scene by cap10;
  • Remove the funny and useless tax reduction on Tamil names for the films.
  • Strictly Ban Telegu remakes.

If the above things are done I am sure there would be only some 10 movies per year but that is what the viewers has to see, and eventually their taste may improve . The above is just for the sake of fun, it is clear to everyone, who wants a change in Tamil films, that ‘all depends on the viewers taste; nothing won’t change until their taste remain the same.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Fish rain and Toad explosion

A week before I was seeing the latest film from Nicholas Cage “The Next”. Its quite good with its own style of showing the hero’s powers. Not only Jessica got attracted by the different facts that hero tells but also me, as he told about the fish raining. As I got this bad habit of analyzing confirming info bits which I get, so as I did for fish raining.

I got this link in wikipedia which is about Raining animals, seems fish is the most common one while frogs comes second. There has been several scientific conclusions for these rare occurrences, some of them:

  • The frog rain is because, the frogs might have been taken by tornado or waterspouts to a large altitude and made to fall after some time.
  • There has been another conclusion for raining of fishes which managed to alive – the eggs are taken to the clouds by strong wind and hatched there and back to the ground as tiny fishes.
  • One more theory states that these fishes are from underground fresh water and never exposed to light that they are blind.

When reading these facts, I saw one more interesting fact about exploding animals. Yes in northern Germany toads used to explode because of a strange disease. The toads used to swell up to 3.5 times its size and propelled by the explosion to 3.2 meters. It has been concluded it is due to unknown virus or fungus in the pond they lived.

And finally after my complete analyzing of these facts I concluded

that the temple elephants can’t be rained as they don’t hatch from eggs and they can’t be lifted by heavy winds, but it can explode by some virus or fungus. So better stay at least 2 meters away from our temple elephants.
Joku pa joku.. ok, see u in next post..

whats He doing

Friday, August 03, 2007

Man On Fire Vs Sivaji

One more recent film I saw is ‘Man on fire’ , actually this is a old block buster from the pair Tony Scott (Director) and Denzil Washington (Actor) whose recent one is ‘Déjà vu’. Simply superb, no word to say. No big complex screenplay, no big complex actions, no big extraordinary acting, not a beautiful charisma hero, not a big budget movie, but the film has a magic, it has a good story and it is presented in a very good manner. Just think about the pathetic sivaji. I wonder why rajini don’t take the similar kind of movies like Man on fire or Deja vu. Won’t the fans accept the real aged rajini? Is it really required and good to see the old man pathetically running in fast beat songs? Do tamil fans really require a heroine for rajini film with glamour, which is abundant in all tamil films. Let him use his styles with a suitable role, sivaji is really a big hyped disaster. It has been a deadlock with fans and film makers, only big shots like rajini or sankar can change this. Pokiri or Sivakasi can’t be with fixed storyline or no-logic scenes or heroines to survive. But sivaji could have been. Sankar is fit for album making; I would consider sivaji as an album. All the songs are done in a grand and good way. I would like the dvd of sivaji only with the 5 songs, may be some styles of rajini as bonus track. I would pray God, that rajini should not be given any college student role in future because it is not amazing if he plays it.Lets wait till our people get tired of 1 hero, 1 villain, 5 songs, 5 sentiments, 5 fights, 5 comedy scenes films…

Thursday, August 02, 2007


I am tired of waiting for broadband connection from bsnl. So back for blogging. I got shifted from southern Bangalore to north east outer area of Bangalore as my company did. All my things including my body got shifted except my blood - broadband connection. So stopped blogging partially believing the 2 months promise of bsnl dumbs. Luckily less than million fans for my blog no request mails for my blog continuation, but some relief expressions from my friends. So here it goes..

Still wasting the golden time by seeing films and seasons and now often seeing some Nat Geo or History or Discovery documentaries too.. So as usual let me talk abt the recent films I saw. The most recent is ‘Premonition’ yesterday. First I hesitated as it got low rating in imdb of 5.5/10 and worst rotten tomatoes rating too. But its really good and I wonder why it got worst rating. I bet 80% of Tamil audience won’t understand to enjoy it. Even I need to see it once more to enjoy it more. The screenplay could have been better as you can forecast some of the scenes but it is really a complex screenplay, I don’t know how to change it but it would have been better if it is changed. Lots to say but enough for now, see u in next post.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The ultimate joke of the year.

In an interview when vijayakanth is asked, whether he had seen sivaji, he replied without hesitation - "i only see good english films".

Thanks Cap10 for making me coming back...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

24 years old system

It has been exactly 24 years since this chemical system got exposed to the world and this got the capability of writing this post. ok fine too much intro..Yes, Today is my birthday. I dont know wat to do this day except giving one piece of sweet or chocolate to all the members in my team or only taking few close friends to a nearby resturaunt and try to make the credit card balance hit its limit or visiting temple asking god to make my life smoother until death.. But i didn't do any of the above, because i thought i have a valid reason for not celebrating my B'day :- Poor people can celebrate this geting 1 rupee candy coz they are not going to have new dress or candy whenever they want, and riches can celebrate because they can shell out money and may be they will have more friends expecting to shell out for them.

And i do have these silly jokes, to tell my friends instead of the above reason which can make me banged:-

-> Today is not my birthday, its on 1984 and not 2007.
-> According to my star birthday, not today, this same day in 2006.
-> If i give u sweet for my Bday its selfish, coz i want u to take sweet for my function. If i give u sweet on ur bday its wise, coz its meant for u.

As said above as a joke, i am surprised by a cake cuting funtion organised by my team especially by my two friends Ganesh and Saravanan. Going for that, first bday function in my life. Will be back with pics of that...bye

Friday, May 18, 2007

Maroon 5 - It Wont Be Soon Before Long

Maroon 5 – nobody cant forgot them by their top most played songs in the album Songs About Jane and their recent entry in the American idol with their stunning single “Makes Me Wonder”. After 5 years they are back with the album “It Wont Be Soon Before Long”. As usual computer geeks get this earlier before its release, me too one among them ;) Tried to get it in some shares and found after a long search which is now removed. So Don’t waste your time for rapidshare link for this album, 90% no chance. Go simply for torrent.

So how is the album. Almost all the songs doesn’t makes you dislike at first, then slowly u will the best ones though it is bit hard as almost all are good. The Singles “Makes Me Wonder” and “Wake Up Call” are clean hits. If I Never See Your Face Again, Won't Go Home Without You, Goodnight Goodnight, Kiwi, Nothing Lasts Forever all are good. One thing I notice is this has different style and different styles in each songs too not as the songs in “Songs About Jane” having some similar styled songs. Don’t know how music lovers response will be. I just added this splendid album in my itunes library immediately with good My User Ratings !! Check this out ASAP!!

Make Any Movie as Family Movie

So guys, after long time..so a BIG HI to everyone, fine straight to the topic: “Necessity is the Mother of invention”, in this case its Discovery. Yep here is my necessity:

A Software which should skip some selected "time span" from the movies while playing. I don’t want to edit or delete the scenes as it will take lot of time and will reduce the quality of the rip too. And it would be good, if i could just select the portion of the movie (as in adobe premiere ) and tell it to hide, like tat and i can save this settings for this movies as some file (as .srt or .sub file for subtitles) so that i can see the movie censored without affecting the quality of the movie rip.

Ok now the necessity of this necessity : most of the splendid non-indian movies has some pornographic content, mostly unnecessary examples : from godfather, schindler's list, last king of Scotland, the departed, Black book and the list goes on.. which we have to enjoy with our family..

So I posted in many forums to get a solution for this but in vein, and at last with some googling and lil bit of luck which I usually have ;) I got the solution. It is AviSynth. So those who have knowledge on this already with so much relax u can just skip this post, others continue..

I just did this few minutes before, so haven’t tested it extensively. But it seems working, so am just giving you hint:
Download the avisynth software from here.And just install as you like. Now just open a notepad and write this command:

AviSource("C:\Downloads\BBC Supernatural Science - Physical Feats.avi")
Trim(0,100-1) ++ Trim(200+1,0)
Trim(0,500-1) ++ Trim(800+1,0)
Trim(0,1000-1) ++ Trim(2000+1,0)


DirectShowSource("C:\Downloads\BBC Supernatural Science - Physical Feats.avi ,fps=24,audio=true)
Trim(0,100-1) ++ Trim(200+1,0)
Trim(0,500-1) ++ Trim(800+1,0)
Trim(0,1000-1) ++ Trim(2000+1,0)

and just save the notepad file with .avs extension. Here the AviSource() or DirectShowSource() are used to open only avi and (avi and mpeg) movies respectively. The Trim command removes the frames provided. In the above example, I have trimmed three portions – frames from 100 to 200 ; 500 to 800 and 1000 to 2000. so this movie will be played without these clippings.

So to run the movies, you just have to open the .avs file in the media player and thats it. If you want to get the frame information, just use this light weight tool which is actually used for encoding purposes – VirtualDub. Just open the movie in this tool and it will display the frame numbers and the timings. So take this frame number and put it in the above code and Enjoy Movies With Your Family!!
Note: The above code trims off the unwanted scenes, you have to decide which one is unwanted ;) hope u understand!!

Be back with something else…Comments and rating always invited. ;)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Perarasu across Woods (Kolly to Tolly)

I saw Déjà vu some weeks ago. After seeing the excellent screenplay and story I referred Wikipedia and found out the screenplay for Déjà vu was sold for $ 5 Million. Now lets come to the point, heard about the film Annavaram or something? For this film the story is from our Prominent Director Perarasu, Check this out to know more about him. 1 பொறிக்கி hero, 2 பொறிக்கிய love பண்ற village & rich heroines , 3 குப்ப தெரு for location, 4 வெத்து வேட்டு rowdy villans in queue to get defeated by hero, 5 சிரிப்பான punch dialogues, 6 ஏறசெலான பாட்டு including some big குத்து songs, and every 10 minutes of the movie will have sentiments, jokes, heroism.. The telegu film crew are the world biggest dumbs as they should have atleast given him 1 rupee. Thirupachi to Telegu, Aathi from telegu, etc shows there are dumbs in both states.. May be telegu more, just see the film poster...எப்படித்தான் எப்படி சிரிக்காம..

Aerosmith To B'lore

Mark June 2nd in your calendar for Aerosmith Live - 2007 World Tour. Palace Grounds is gonna be rocked by Aerosmith. Check
this out.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Am presenting "Timbaland presents Shock Value"

The big producer Timbaland comes now with his own album, ShockValue. Some of his prominent productions Black Eyed Peas – Monkey Business, The Pussycat Girls – PSD, Nelly Furtado – Loose, Justin Timberlake – Future, Sex, Sounds the list goes on… So for him it is easy to get all these chart making artists for his album. It is seen in his album Shock Value. I just saw this one making charts and downloaded it only because of my favorite Nelly Furtado feat for “Give It To Me” in this. So as his genre, this album has more hip hop and pop and some rock too. And it will catch you easily, After Nelly Furtado Loose this album has more of my favorite songs. Yep, Here are my favorite songs:

1. Give It To Me (Feat. Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake) – Nelly Furtado & Timberlake & Timbaland making #1 in billboard charts. Simply awesome. 5/5
2. 2 Man Show (Feat. Elton John) – a good feat with the piano magic by Elton. 5/5
3. Time (Feat. She Wants Revenge) – This songs makes a breakthrough identification for She Wants Revenge. The part by She Wants Revenge is simple superb. This rating is specially for She Wants the Revenge. 5/5
4. Scream (Feat. Keri Hilson & Nicole Scherzinger) – Don’t know the other except pussycat member Nicole, has good beat but don’t know how long it will be in our head. 4/5
5. Apologize (Feat. One Republic) – Don’t know this one too, One Republic? Quiet a good melody. 3.5/5
6. Throw It On Me (Feat. The Hives) – This is more kinda speedy songs will be helpful for your ride, as it does for me... 3.5/5
7. Bombay – I am still hearing it, has some old song from our Bollywood. Couldn’t get it very good, but just added as this comes from our side ;) Don’t expect this to be as good as Indian Flute the previous one from Timbaland.

I would recommend getting it for the above tracks. Use this rapidshare and torrent links . Got my favorite Travis, “The Boy With No Name”. Gonna hear it, be back with my favorite tracks of him. So see you soon…

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sivaji – The Boss, ARR at his best

I have posted about the Sivaji leak on Friday, March 23, 2007 post. Now I am posting about the album after a month I believe. The late may be becoz I have been simply working on Template changes without blogging. Fine, The first thing I want to say is I bought the original CD in my life for the first time. May be becoz of curiosity about the leak and the price is somewhat cheap then what I expected and my support to AR Rahman.
Whatever it may, I got this album in hand and I would say this is one of the masterpieces by ARR indeed. Almost all the songs are fantastic. Don’t know how its gonna reach Rajini Fans’ mind who protested after the music release of Padayappa saying it was the worst album for Rajini, but later they started accepting it. Fine don’t want to say about it more as this is very old topic. Here is my rating of the songs.

1. Adiradhi - Haven’t heard such a splendid vocal & sound mixing – 5/5
2. The Boss – Splendid music, Short and Sweet – 5/5
3. Style – Again super vocal and sound mixing – 5/5
4. Sahana & Sahara – Such a gorgeous massive melody – 5/5
5. Vaaji - Good, but predefined expected music – 4/5
6. Balleilakka – Good, especially for urban rajini fans - 4/5

Unavoidable hit series hits from RDB, Guru, JOK, Pray for me Brother to Sivaji by AR Rahman keeps a permanent place in the Indian music charts.

The Thirds

I wonder when people asking about one's favourite number, Coz its doesn’t sound like favourite color - which pleases you, or favourite dish - which attracts you. But what is in the number?! It sounds like asking one's favourite chemistry equation or mathematical formula. For me it sounds Crazy. Fine, as favourite number is a FAQ, I made up myself to give some answer long before, hence comes the answer THREE. How it came? Simple my DOB 12, 1+2 = 3. So let this be my favourite number. Anyhave, this is not what I wanted to talk. The Third installment movies which gonna hit this year. All these Movies with their Part 1 and 2 did good in box office and now with their Third Sequel, have a tough competition :-

1. Pirates Of Caribbean: At Worlds End - May 2007
2. SpiderMan 3 - May 2007
3. Ocean’s Thirteen - June 2007
4. Shrek The Third – June 2007
5. Bourne Ultimatum – August 2007
6. Rush Hour 3 – August 2007
7. Resident Evil Extinction – September 2007

Now I started thinking, why our Tamil films have no sequels coming up. And I wondered as we are already getting only sequels. Yep, here are some sequels of tamil industry that I can think easily. I have given how the sequel names for all the films for fun..

1. Perarasu’s Thirupaachi, Sivakasi, Thirupathi, Dharmapuri – Total Disaster1,2,3..
2. Cap10’s Sabari, Perarasu, Sudesi, Neranja Manasu, Gajendra, Engal Anna, Chokkathangam, Vaanathaipola, Perivanna, Dharma – Just for Laughs 1,2,3..
3. Vijay’s Madurey,Thirupaachi, Sivakasi, Aathi, Pokiri – Low grade Superman 1,2,3..
4. Ajith’s Thodarum, Uyirodu Uyriaha, Raja, Attagasam, Ji, RED, Paramasivam, Tirupathi – Strictly Flops 1,2,3..
5. Rajini’s Annamalai, Muthu, Badsha, Arunachalam, Padayappa – Second Half Millionaire 1,2,3..
6. Kamal’s Tenali, Panchatanthiram, Pamal K sambandam, Vasool raja –Buffoon Makes Money 1,2,3..
7. Bharath’s Kadhal, Veiyel, Emmagan – Pity Boy 1,2,3…
8. Sethu, Pithamagan, Nandha, Ram, Paruthiveeran – Yet Another Different Movie 1,2,3..

Real Gutts comes here, Krotham 1, 2, 3. Simply mind blowing science fiction comedy series by Prem Kumar with Krotham 3 ready to release for about 2 years. Will it hit this year? Will Hollywood Thirds gonna bite the dust. Only Prem has its answer. Hats off to Premkumar!! Enough for today. Bye for now..

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Direct x 10 Cards ready for Crysis

Recent SMS from Akshay:
Direct x 10 cards have been released in India. Price range is in 7.5k, 10k, 16k, 20k and 42k. Seems around 10% increase in performance over the predecessor.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Repainted my blogging

Yeh! After very long time, took more patience to create this template. Hopefuly this comes in good form. When i compare blogging and designing, i could spend more time only on design :(, so this much long gap..more to blog.. Will be back soon.. Added rating system, good if you could rate my blog template style in the below rating.

Friday, March 23, 2007

AR Rehman's Sivaji - Bootleg

Back from Mumbai, will post about it in the upcoming posts.. for now i would like post the current BREAKING NEWS - i don't care about Bob Woolmer, so i am talking about the leaked bootleg of AR Rehman's Sivaji. Three Songs are released in a fine mp3 192kbps quality which makes me to think that this could be the final version, though Media Studio members are refusing it -

Inspections are on how it has leaked… But we are sure that it has come out from the sets. All the songs are scratches… The final mixing is nowhere near tothese. Esplly on the Sunlight song sung by Shaggy, Blaaze and Tanvi; what is available on net is just a scratch piece for shooting. And Sahana song is sung A.R himself on the final version with Chinmayi. We have one more brilliant number called “Day light dude” which is the opening song sung by Rappers from US.We have a Song recorded with the voice of Rajinikanth Sir and Drums kit played by Siva Sir which is interesting, in the movie. Please don’t post our opinions and underestimate the soundtrack now it now. Its does enhance the visuals on screen quite brilliantly and wait for the moment to catch it on 70 mm.

Media Studio
But any have songs are superb, very catchy even in the first time, don't know how tamil kutthu fans take it.. And the leaked songs' links are given in this blog , am sure me gonna get a fresh CD pack of Sivaji, expecting you too..

Friday, March 02, 2007

Last week in Boo World
This is one more column, am gonna write..Confused about the tilte - Nothing its just the உள்டா of ‘சென்ற வர உலகம்’ which runs in suntv..Dont worry am having (1/100)% knowledge about the world affairs – yep I am confident Harrison Ford is the president of USA..So don’t want to go to real world..
This one is about things that are thrown in or out of my 1400gms brain – now I remember, how I remember this number – its somewhere in the excellent film I watched last week = The Pursuit of Happyness’. So I think you got what this post is about..Still want to continue.. good..

($) I got this somewhere – nice particle simulation..Check this out..

($) Don’t Try this at Theatre : Veerasamy.. yes even at home, continuously.. As all software engineers even I like to see cap10 movies and these kinda movies..so tried a little bit of this circus film performed by Big Bear. But as proverb goes - அளவுக்கு மிஞ்சினால் அமிர்தமும் நஞ்சு, you can watch this film with you conscious for some fifteen minutes continuously not more than that.. Putting in a single sentence – worst story, worst screenplay, worst dialogue, worst music, whatever worst in film making by T Rajender; purely for low low-class senseless crude movie. So to be safe, avoid it.. Its not as easy and funny as u think..

($) Wanna keep video as ur wallpaper background? There were certain tools for XP, but Vista has its own thing. Yeh I installed Vista ultimate in my PC. Vista Ultimate is the highest that vista offers. Depending upon the version you are having you will be given extra features – this Vista ultimate has Windows media center and things like that. I got in net as extra feature for Ultimate – Vista DreamScene, which will put all your wmv and mpeg videos as your wallpaper. It is not working for .avi files neither divx not xvid.. Check out this for more info:

($) Thanks to torrent, this is the first time when I have seen almost 80% of Oscar nominated movies.. So very curious about the Oscars. Good to see Departed, Little miss sunshine, The Queen getting Oscars. The films I hated most in Oscars are Babel, Pan's Labyrinth and Happy Feet. I am really disappointed that my all time favourite Pixar productions didn’t get Oscars for “The Cars” instead the “Happy Feet” which I really hate very much.

($) Now-a-days I think my itunes gets angry on me becoz of the repetitive music of Dixie Chicks. Yeh saw their documentary film – ‘Shut up and Sing’ and the 5 grammy awards in their hand and their catchy country songs. So they become one of my favorite band. Will be back with a debut post on them.. Meet you soon..

Thursday, March 01, 2007


So, after a long time… I have come to you with a hell lot of things. First of all I would like to introduce my logo for special features – Specials features means :-Its like bonus tracks in albums or நம்ம தமிழ் படத்துல வர குத்து பாட்டு or Cap10 படத்துல வர train scene or Song performed by rehman in his ost – இப்படி blade போட்டுக்கிட்டே போலாம்.. Fine let me stop with this.. So u should have come to conclusion it would be either enjoyable comedy or கடுப்பு. So i decided to put this logo for those kinda of post. இன்னும் நீங்க tubelightea இருந்தா, கீழே பார் :

Indiaglitznu ஒரு website இருக்கிறது, email forward messageல வர pics logoவ பாத்துதான் தெரியும். ஆனா இப்ப 1 weeka அந்த website தான் Most visited siteனு BBC Second flash newsa வந்திருக்கு..

அப்ப, first flash news enna? how indiaglitz became the most famous website? Only one answer – கரடி. These people please avoid seeing this: already வயத்து வலியோட இருகிறவங்க, கரடிய பக்க பயப்படுற குழந்தைகள், என்ன மாதிரி வேலவெட்டி இல்லாம இருக்காதவங்க.


In conclusion, இது commedy பொருளா இருந்து அசிங்க படுரதுக்கு, இத கருணை கொலை பண்ணிடலம்.. மனசு செரியில்ல அப்புறம் வரேன், bye..

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

If (GF == false)
Happy Independence Day
Happy Valentine's Day
Bank balance = 0

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Yogi B & Natchatraz : வல்லவன் - Tamil Hip Hop

You can classify them under any genre R&B, Hip hop, Rap, Remix.. But Tamil Rap is gonna flourish soon, that’s for sure..Yeah! they call it as ‘சொல்லிசை’(rap). Heard their superhit song from my friend’s you-tube link. It was catchy at the first time itself and funny too.. And now they performed in Vijay TV some award program making an expectation of their cd release (at least from chennai people I think). Enough of intro for them. Surprisingly their tracks got a place in my iTunes playlist recently, so small review of their album.

வல்லவன் is their debut album, though not yet released. The band members are Yogi B and Natchatraz (Jesz and Dr,Burn, I think). Their songs has all the things of an international Hip Hop music, may be not explicit lyrics I can say. Also one more thing I notice is they do good mixing of old songs like most hindi DJs doing these days..and Raghav did it splendidly.

Among the 10 songs I got,I like these in the order:

1. மடை திரண்டு: This one is a feat with someone named Lockup Guna. Good remix and good rap too..This is the one sung in vijay tv awards. 5/5 rating.

2. சிவ சிவ: Feat with someone named Prema. This one is a devotional remix and good to hear too. A different approach though funny at first singing about hindu Gods in English..4/5 rating.

3. வழி தேடுது: This one is the same kinda gangsta rap scolding each other..this rap is simply superb and this rhythmic verse is very good:
நேத்து முழச்ச செடிகள் எல்லாம் அரசமரம் போல வாழ துடிக்குது
என்னை பகச்ச எதிரிகள் எல்லாம் என்னை வெல்லா வழி தேடுது தேடுது
4/5 rating.

4. Hip hop era: This one is also a good flick. Several good layers of humming are going behind the song is very nice. 4/5 rating.

5,6. Indian Girl & Kamasutra: Both of these has fantastic rap things. In Kamasutra the feat by Mogethen is good to hear. 4/5 rating.

All these six songs are in my ratedrap playlist of iTunes. This is a fusion of Eminem, Tupac, 50 Cent and as well as Raghav. To conclude, this album is good for those who like above hip hop artist albums (atleast you can get all the lyrics) and also for those who don’t listen to those who don’t like them becoz of gangsta English. Here is the link I download it: Download
Official Webpage

Thursday, February 08, 2007

GURU - Not up to par

Finally got a good quality rip of guru, for which we had plans to sacrifice some bucks in PVR cinemas.. So nicely enjoyed the movie in my bed even with my dinner, as done in Gold Class for 500 bucks. So first of all that is a great satisfaction for me.
And now about the movie.. Much awaited, Much hyped movie Guru is the one which has to be enjoyed once..Thats it. Yeh, it is not up to the par what I expected. It may be becoz of the storyline - nothing to show differently and i dont know 100% hindi. But as usual AR Rehman - Mani combination rocks. Hope for the next one.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

UNITED 93 - Must See Movie

I was thinking to write about this for long time.. This one is more like historical documentary or drama but easily admirable by anyone.. Yeah, most of my roommates who hesitate to see non-action English movies liked it. So a little bit about it..

From the Bourne Supremacy director - this 2007 Oscar nominated film, is a favorite movie of mine. It depicts the only plane United 93, which didn’t reach the target in 11/7 attack. So here are things which make this movie my favorite one: The plot, taking a movie about the hijack situation of a plane which doesn’t reach the target, I mean not taking the one which reached the target. The movie teaches us a lot..Clearly depicts things about Air Craft Traffic Control, Domestic Air Force service things like that. I just thought when our industry can make movies like this - still hero and villains fighting on train or airplane. I would say it doesn't make me to see it once more, but i am sure you will enjoy every bit of the film till the last. And this one proves it: Nominated for 2 Oscars, Another 15 wins and 19 nominations (taken from imdb).Watch this in the good AxxO Dvd rip given. So Enjoy!!

Genre: Drama / History
Links: imdb, news
Torrent: Torrent

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Coorg Trip - A must for Amatuer Trekkers

Being bored by reading so many Coorg visit blog (read almost all the Coorg blogs in Google first 2 pages), I don’t want to tell u story about what we ate in the dawn and how we sat in the van.. so precisely about our COORG Trip:

Decided only in 2 full time workdays and got sufficient members, the day before the trip. We got a van which has only Toyata Qualis embossed to prove it, thank God it didn’t wasted our time except some 15 minutes for some tire patch work !! Confirmed a separate house - 1500 bucks for 24 hours in Coorg before leaving.

First Day visits:
1. Nisargadama : Good to see the park, but not as special as in most of the blogs and websites. Boating in a swimming pool size pond and Elephant ride in helipad size area!! That’s it!
2. Tibetian Temple : Worth see, different culture and different paintings.. That God don’t want money to photo shoot it, yeah no restriction for Camera.. good to see the saints posing for Camera!!
3. Abbi Falls: Good site seeing, but can be also be seen in websites..Yeh, Bathing restriction ,I can say or no suitable location for bathing..Its like Stop, watch, go..
4. Camp fire in our home: The climate was cool enough to enjoy the warmth of camp fire..but not so good as we gave 300 bucks for that!! But any have enjoyable..

Second Day Visit (Tadeyendamol Trekking):
The most awaited journey started to reach Kakabe, from there packing up things we started through the steep roads of Tadeyendamol..Started at 12 we were able to reach half of the peak around 2:30 for energetic lunch, where we stood as three warriors aiming the peak!! Other four left back to base..we three survived to reach the peak at 3:30. Seems that Tadeyendamol peak is 5734 feet..not sure about it, I took this data from some other website..We came back to base at 5:30. Though this is my second trekking after Kodaikanal, this one is a good experience with only little time left behind..But only thing is the hilly way was not that cool and greenish as we expected.. Seems we went at the end of the season.. Anyhave it was a real thrilling experience throughout that 15kms trekking..

So here are my suggestions..Visit Coorg making sure of the season.. Seems it is better to visit before Jan..I would say tekking and that Tibetian temple are the best part over there.. So prioritize them fist..Next one, don’t rent house, better try to put a tent in the peak and that will be a stunning experience..

I have attached below my pics in Coorg Trip.. Just click on the pic to view the description..Pics in flickr

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

LORD OF WAR – Must See Movie

All most all of the movies I have reviewed before were not so good, so decided to put the movies I liked most as 'Must See Movie'. Though this one I saw a month ago, It used to remain in my mind always.. I came to know Nicolas Cage from his hit FACE/OFF and lil bit more from his 'Con Air'. But this movie made him my favorite hero..Okay, enough intro, let's get into the stuff..

LORD of WAR is released on 2005 starring Nicolas Cage, directed by Andrew Niccol. Well, a short intro on the director, he is the maker of 'The Truman Show', 'The Terminal' etc.. The hero plays the antihero role as an arms dealer, some where I heard that the character is taken from real Russian arms dealer. So whats the title is for? The answer is given in the starting of the film: "There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other eleven?" Every little bit of the film is perfect and enjoyable. The casting is superb; Cage plays his role perfectly, the dictator Baptise, the interpol agent everyone played perfectly. I am not that knowledgeable to write a review on the whole film. Each and every portion is taken from the real world history. You should watch this 122 minutes movie for 244 minutes to understand it.

I can compare this movie with two other movies- Blow and Pudhupettai(Tamil). Blow by Johnny Depp is the exact same thing done but this one is somewhat non-commercial like or documentary like movie. Instead of Arms dealer this is about the Cocaine smuggler. Pudhupettai is also the same sort of antirole Gangster flick. So this movie is a must see movie. Watch this in the good AxxO Dvd rip given. Enjoy!! Will be back with another good movie..

Genre: Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
IMDB rating: 7.7/10 (27,985 votes)
Links: IMDB
Torrent: Torrent

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Explore Google Earth 4, to explore..

The latest version of Google Earth has quite a few very interesting features such as the ability for 3D models to have textures and a new user interface. Also, it is now possible to see animations on Google Earth to show geographic changes during different seasons and stuff.
You can take some time to wonder on this.. Here's an excerpt from google page:

Seeing 3D terrain and buildings is one of the coolest features of Google Earth. We’ve added higher-quality terrain data for many mountainous regions, as well as support for "textured" 3D buildings-meaning bricks look like real bricks, glass looks like real glass, and overall, the world looks more like the real world. It's just one more step on the path of creating a life-like 3D model of the whole planet.

Millions of Google Earth users add and share geographic information every day using .KML, the Google Earth file format. In Google Earth 4 we've expanded that capability. Now you can view travel photos, hiking trails uploaded from your GPS, overlays of your own imagery, or large geographic data sets. You can even times-tamp the data to create animations of how the world changes over time. Explore Google Earth Showcase for some popular examples.

Download it here ..

Friday, January 12, 2007

Weekend music - jan 2nd week

So what about this weekend.. Apart from taking the dosage of 'one movie per day', I thought of taking some music this weekend. Helpfully the much awaited tamil version of Guru is gonna be online this weekend.

Apart from that I would like to hear some sort of different, yeh..so got Norah Jones.. I have heard this name several times, but didn't tried her songs. Heard of her connection with india being the daughter of ravi Shankar, the famous Sitar maestro.

Norah Jones - Not Too Late

Got this album, which is supposed to release on January 20, 2007!! Heard a little bit of it. The first song "Be My Sombody" is good, all others seem very slow melody. Will try it in the weekend.
BitRate: 160kbps
Release Date: 2007-01-30
Size: 52 MB
Links: homepage, wikipedia, torrent

U2 Recent Singles

U2, the 2006 best album of the year winner released a single in Jan 1 - Window in the skies, As our Rehman did 'Prey for me brother' in new year eve. This single has two songs - "Tower of Song" and “Windows in the skies”. Both are good. You have to try it out..

Name: Windows in the skies
Release Date: Jan-01-2007
Links: U2 homepage, wikipedia,torrent

One more single released last year end is "The saints are coming" by U2 and Greenday. Though this one is the remake of the song by "The skids" (one old band), this is from U2- The best album of the year 2006 winner and from Greenday - The best album of the year 2005 winner!! This is also good and making out good in charts. So first download it and read my other blogs ;) I know how curious you are to read my other blogs :))

Name : The saints are coming
Release Date: Jan-01-2007
Links: U2 homepage, wikipedia,torrent

Will be back with some more good music..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Feet - didn't make me happy :(

I saw the iMBT screener of Happy Feet yesterday, this one is has a very good quality and sound. But I can say this box office hit which pushed the Casino Royale out, didn't do what I expected. For your info, this movie is the second largest box office hit after 'Pirates of Caribbean 2' and this is from the director of 'Babe, the Pig in the City'. These things made me go crazy to watch this movie.
But in my view this film is a total crap. In the cold land of Antarctica, the Penguins express their true love with a special heart song of their own that expresses their very being. However, the hero, Mumble cannot sing, but instead has an extraordinary talent to tap dance with almost magical energy and expression. Nevertheless, the deeply conformist leadership of the colony fearfully blames the young penguin's unorthodox ways for the lean fishing that threatens them all. Defiant in the face of unjust rejection, Mumble and his true friends set out to find the true cause of the famine. And here comes the total crap things, the hero goes behind the human beings and was put into the zoo, and it learnt that people loves its toe tapping. Then it comes back to its own home place and all the penguins uses the toe tapping for making the man kind to recognize the over fishing, bla bla bla.. So our hero save their life..total crap! I totally don't like the screenplay, and also the soundtracks are not the way I like. So "Happy feet" did't make me happy.

Genre: Comedy
IMDB rating: 6.8/10 (6,129 votes)
Release name: Happy.Feet.DVDSCR.XviD-iMBT
Links: IMDB, Homepage
Torrent: NewTorrents

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My Computer

Though this is the second PC in my life, I felt the same excitement and pleasure in buying this. This was because; I bought the world's third processor and the world's first economy processor I can say. And one more thing is I put my hands in making the PC. I was thinking of putting its spec in blog for a month ago.. So now I am proudly introducing my PC here!!

I bought this PC in Bangalore SP road, the electronic market of Southindia I can say.. The plan to get the correct things was devised for just 6 months I believe.. This genius kid named Akshay is the one who did the assembling of my PC. Nothing more to say.. So this thing is helping to waste my time easily by gaming (trying all the latest games), watching movies; listening music (50 movies and 6000 songs in Hard drive.. still growing), blogging (u know this very well)..
This is the spec of my PC bought on 10-Nov..

  • Core 2 E6600 Processor - 15,400
  • Asus P5B mother board - 9,200
  • Transcend 2 GB RAM - 11,300
  • LeadTek 7600GT Game Card - 9,485
  • Seagate 250GB SATA Hard disk - 3,850
  • Samsung 740n TFT 17" monitor - 9,500
  • Microsoft wireless Keyboard & Mouse - 1,500
  • Zebronics Peace Cabinet - 2,350
  • APC UPS - 1,950
    Plus 4% VAT as usual..

In Short : Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 2.61; Asus P5B-2GB 667MHz RAM; Nvidia 7600GT; 250GB HDD; Benq DVD-RW; Zebroics Peace

See my PC Pics..